Stone Hill Elementary School Home

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TEACH spelled out in bead letters

Mission Statement

The Mission of the Cranston Public Schools is, through collaboration with the entire community, to deliver a high-quality, aligned and evidence-based instructional system that is accessible and responsive to diverse learners, which is supported by finances and facilities for the 21st Century and promotes student achievement and success through active learning and personalization.


ABC written on a chalkboard

Principal's Message

Welcome to Stone Hill School!  It is my privilege and honor to be the principal at Stone Hill Elementary.  Our Stone Hill community consists of a dedicated staff, wonderful families and amazing students.  At Stone Hill Elementary, we believe that it is essential for families and schools to work together and share responsibility for student success. All members of the Stone Hill community are encouraged to demonstrate Responsibility, show Respect for all and come to school every day Ready to Learn.  The faculty, staff, and I are committed to the academic, social and emotional success of your children and we look forward to partnering with you for a successful year!

Mrs. Tricia Rotondo, Principal